Worship Service

July 28, 2024

10:30 AM

Pastor Darwin Smith


Jared Roskamp, will be the Greeter

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Diane Schrader, will be the Greeter

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Delinda Mulch, will be the Greeter

Sunday, August, 11, 2024

Jane Roskamp, will be the Greeter

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Anyone who wants to give an offering to the church
Please, send a check made out to Bethany UCC
and send it to our treasurer:

Bethany UCC

c/o Mary Doyle

775 N 2680th Ave

Ursa, IL 62376

Children's Sunday School

Sunday School

Every Sunday at Fellowship Hall at 9:30 AM

From September to June

Women's Fellowship Meeting

Wednesday August 7, 2024 at 1:30 PM

in the Fellowship Hall

Hospital Visits

Marian Bland is at Blessing Hospital as a Chaplain

the 2nd Wednesday,  4th Tuesday and 4th Friday of each month.

If someone is in the hospital, please let her know, so that she can visit them.

Also available for Home or Nursing Home Visits

Fellowship Hall

If you wish to rent the Fellowship Hall, contact Mrs Cindy Roskamp.

The price is the same: $35.00 for members and $60.00 for non-members.

Call 217-653-7824

PLEASE visit our Prayer List. If your name, or a name you added, no longer needs to be on our prayer list, PLEASE let Pastor Joel Schlatter or Jim Bland know, to have name removed.

UCC Bethany Facebook Link


August 24, 2024 at 10:00 AM for Women's Event (Brunch)

November 10, 2024 at 6:00 PM for Men's Event (Father & Son)